**You are stronger than You realize**


Life is going to throw some crazy things your way. Maybe they won’t be an arena filled with insane mutts or a just a simple affair, but the fact is crazy things will happen. That’s life. I am not a fun of movies so much but one of my favorite movies is the “Hunger Games” , in this movie the most integral reminder– is that we’re all so much stronger than we realize. When I look back on my life and recall some of the things I’ve been through, I’m sometimes shocked that I’ve made it to where I am today. I never consider myself particularly strong or brave, but I was — and still am, I suppose. And you are too. If things are hard, remind yourself that you really are stronger than you realize.

There are a number of more life lessons i have learnt in my journey and this movie reminds me too that One person can make a difference. At the beginning of the movie Katniss (even me) had no idea how important she was. As time went on, her actions and reactions showed that her presence was more than just a pawn in a game. She was a symbol of change, a rebellious spirit who had an opportunity to change thousands of lives with a single act.

Now, I know this sounds fiction to you and we’re not all destined to be heroic warriors, but Katniss’s bravery and determination reminded me that we all have power — a power we can use for good or for evil. This power is choice. With every choice we make, we are impacting not only our lives but all of the lives touching ours. However small you might think you are, you have more power than you realize and every choice you make can impact others so choose wisely, your actions can inspire others to act, and your decision can make others follow you in the right path.

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