Registering an NGO in Uganda: Step by step guide.

In Uganda the Non Governmental Organization registration is regulated by the Non Governmental Organizations Registration Act. The Act governs the registration, management and governance of Non Governmental Organizations.


  1. The requirements for NGO registration are set out below:
Application letter addressed to the executive director National Bureau for NGOs Clearly stating a) the type of NGO (indigenous, regional , continental, foreign or international, b) the objectives of the organization c) geographical area of operation d) Number of years applied for operation
2. Dully filled form A
3. Certificate of incorporation from URSB ( meaning you register a company limited by guarantee first with URSB )
4. Letter of recommendation written by Local Council One Chairperson (LC I). This must recommend the organization. On the same letter, the Chairman LC II, LC III and Resident District Commissioner (RDC) should each endorse their signatures and stamp. The organization can use the LC I from the area where it has its Headquarters.
5. The Organization should have written recommendation of two sureties or recommenders who should each write separately recommending the organization. Technical areas of activities need recommendation from the concerned line Ministry/Department.
6. The Organization should have a work plan of its activities to be carried out for the first year of the term of operation. The activities or work plan for the one year should have budget i.e. how much is to be spent on each of those activities (this is tentative budget). The budget should reflect source of funds and the work plan.
7. The organization should have two copies of organizational governing document (Duly registered memorandum and articles of association or constitution witnessed by a lawyer or advocate)
8. The NGO should have an Organizational Chart/Administrative chart showing its leadership.
9. Minutes of promoters or founder members meeting and signed attendance.
10. Photo copy of valid national ID or passport.
The NGO board sits once every months, so all applications are reviewed and processed after a month time but this will not guarantee registration within one months since at times application are many .
The process sounds complex. Right? Don’t worry. let NBK-Business Solutions help you get over all this hustle. Call +256 704597816 and get helped.
Nicholas Katushabe is an Author, serial entrepreneur and consultant. Founder Legacy Africa and NBK-Cleaning Kings International, NBK-Engineering & Supplies

Business Ideas Worth Your Attention

IMG-20160531-WA0003Some people are always eager to own businesses but they are just lost in the “which Idea to start on” question.  Well, if you are one of them, then sit and relax. Some one with remarkably desires to know about how things work comes with a unique gift pack of a short amazing book containing an awakening message to the sleeping entrepreneurial giants. The book that was released in June, 2016 is sharply directed to hundreds of budding and existing entrepreneurial minds that are out there still rotating in the ring imagining what to do.  The most unique thing about the book is that it combines ideas, strategies and success stories and testimonies from those who ever tested them. Most interesting is that the book has try-and-fly ideas that can be started with less or no money capital.  Nicholas unleashed these amazing ideas that will propel many people especially the youth to stop dreaming and come out to make things happen. The most interesting thing is the Story behind the creation of the book.

This short book is pointed at those who are curious to discover opportunities and turn them into lasting projects of profit. It is written in a simple way yet with a powerful message able to ignite many lives to be great entrepreneurs.  Get your copy HERE


So, what keeps one keep going?

Recently I had the opportunity to realize that i have done many things, overcome obstacles & difficulties and taken steps that I thought could never be possible for me. When I was young, I was so shy that I wouldn’t speak to anyone. When I did, I would usually end up shaking and almost panting, which would mortify me and I would retreat even more. , For example i used to write good letters to young girls in my adolescence time but i could not stand to talk to them even a single word, i used to prefer writing to speaking, but I didn’t want to give in to this because inside me i felt i could do anything and more perfectly. I liked making business and this could push me to speak because selling needed much of speech, my mother kept pushing me every morning to say hello to someone new and add two more words, i did this and gradually i found myself defying the fear to approach people which increased the strength of believing in myself to take more challenges.
I started approaching people to sell whichever i used to sell those days to raise school fees and i was through most of the times, I wanted to grow and be all that God & Mum wanted me to be despite the challenges that were surrounding me. It was very hard at first for me to initiate a conversation and introduce an item i would be selling but it became easier with time. Even now, there are times I get nervous and the words just don’t come quickly though am always told that’s natural but i always defy the silent in me and let the ideas in me come out. After all this i kept asking myself what made me overcome this and keep going ahead steps at a time when others were giving up who some of them are living hopeless lives?
Well, No one can underestimate the power of a positive mind and its role in our success! It’s of vital importance to keep our minds positive,dreaming big, hopeful and on the right track if we are to overcome difficulties and achieve balanced success in our career, finances,health, emotions, relationships and spiritual lives. The analogy I discovered here is like one of a radio station. For example, there may be a “Success” station ( just thinking).. But the only way you can hear a radio station is to be tuned into it. The same is true with our minds and success. If our minds and our thoughts get sidetracked, our success will get sidetracked. As our minds stay tuned in to “success or achieving a goal’ positively with belief and hope, our bodies will then strongly carry out our success by all means and we will begin to experience abundance! This demonstrated to me how far you can come with the help of self belief, focus, positive mindset,Action, perseverance, mentor-ship and God’s guidance.

Who will Pay you for giving up?

Early last months i got a call from my longtime friend who we used to be together in different situations before we separated to face the world each on his own,in a low tone after greeting me he tells me “You know, am giving up on this struggle to so called greatness,” i first kept quite and he added “Look its a long while since i started on this idea, everyday i try but nothing seems to come out positive, do i have to borrow brains to make it work? no.. i have to let go,persistence seems not to be the road to take on this, maybe i should try giving up and see the results, whenever i think of all this i see no way through: Haters are everywhere to pull down what i build,our gov’t doesn’t support me neither, taxes are high, it seems even there is no friend to support me in this, everyone i share my ideas with expecting to give me a go ahead support, they instead steal my idea and turn it into a business of their own, i think it better the other side where u don’t have to think hard” after all this, i said “cool down dear Peter (not real name).. may be you tried to be stubborn instead of being persistent.

You may disagree with me but you have to know that Stubbornness is not persistence. Stubborn people will continue to do the same things even when there is overwhelming evidence to show that they should stop or change the way they do them. Some stubborn people fear being shown that they are wrong. Others may be convinced that they have been right all along and that they will prove it in the end. Stubbornness is like banging your head against a wall that won’t break. There’s no future in that and you won’t achieve your goals with this approach. . Remember.. your idea isn’t wrong or invalid but u are acting stubbornly to it, i think you should chose another way of approaching it other than giving up.

You had a chance of more than 300 days speaking to yourself, did u take that chance?, what major things have u discovered in yourself? What questions did the ‘Undeveloped you’ ask, what did the ‘bold You’ answer?. what did the ‘weak You’ tell & what did the ‘failing and procrastinating you’ tell? Yes, you failed to get the answers because the ‘Strong motivated, willing to learn and inspired you’ was always absent! OK,

You have started on multiple ideas and given up along the way before achieving, “Did any one pay you for giving up”? You have been complaining about the government for your failure to prosper, do u think those who are taking steps day by day are under a certain government from Mars planet? You have played and won medals in the blame game, u think someone is responsible for your failure and stagnancy , did they promise you this time to help u achieve success? “of course a big No”.

Don’t you think you have to do something?, get off that edge and heal the wounds PLEASE! I mean do something like knowing that no one owes you a living, something like knowing that no one is under the obligation to help you, , you must take 100% responsibility for your life , I mean do something like knowing that you have greatness within you, something like knowing that you have the best bright light within you that every one can stand to look at, U only need one match stick to light your candle, U only need to unleash your potential, u just need the empowerment to kick off your journey, It doesn’t matter how long you have been challenged and failed, after all no one had ever risen when already in the sky, to rise u start from down. all u need is some mentoring and motivation and remain focused, remember no seed has ever grown without being lost and dead into the ground, u need to sacrifice some good time and stay in the battle because no one could ever win if they never engaged in a battle”.

The fact he told me all this means he was probably wondering, ‘How to turn his own ideas into valuable commodities, and live well. Well it’s not that simple-.

Young creative people like him and me or tend to be possessive and impatient when it comes to turning ideas onto income and they end up making some errors. Many innovators’ problems I’ve read on over the past years are due simply to misunderstanding their roles in working upon their dreams; not knowing how to proceed rightfully and see the fruits of their ideas.

“Listen Peter” I said “There are some beginning steps for getting your idea further down the road to success.
If you have a creative idea you believe has potential, you must begin with knowing how your idea is viewed in the society if implemented. Since I am a business man I can say the safety of your idea is where you must start…
To encourage creation of valuable ideas, and protect them from being stolen u must watch intelligently the people u will share with about it.

Secondly If u can’t believe in your idea sometimes you will be discouraged by negative people who will keep telling u negatives about it, to overcome this u must always assume as if the idea is real today. Imagine a life u will live if it was true, practice it as if its real now; this will give you strength and motivation to keep going a step day by day because u will be creating hunger in u which makes you unstoppable until you reach the vantage point of your idea.

Develop the Marketing skill in you.

If you want to get that idea out of your head and into the marketplace, then be prepared to do more than dreaming but displaying your idea to those u will expect to buy your idea, make them like it, If possible change the greeting words from the normal greetings to the product or service name. Dream it,market it and speak it everywhere you go but remember to keep the intellectual property with you as people may steal your idea before u get it real, but above all never give up on an idea which u feel its valid”…

He answered after a long breath out and said let me set out, i must get, i will thank u later” its so amazing that a month after he called me telling me that his idea is now a business and he is getting more and more clients everyday, never give up because no one pays you for giving up!!!!


(The song of self-made_village Boy)
Eagerly yearning for that time when echo sounds of the drums will excite the natives and the passersby over a vibrant celebrations of breakthrough after a life long journey.
who knows?, it might be rain or sunshine, cloudy or stormy but all in all i know that day is soon when reapers will start on what their garden produced.
Have passed through thorns and storms and still facing more a head, i still have it in mind that its how the journey of success looks like,i am determined and am firm i will pass via the storms and see my destiny.

I will reach my destination and celebrate, am sure because i am no longer heavy loaded, i offloaded the heaviness of procrastination,laziness and captivity of negativity.
I know i will reach though these obstacles are hitting me side by side, up and down along the way in a storm, i know it will be a single morning and all will be over.
‘I still have it in mind’ that its how winners travel their journey, i will keep on until l see the last drop of my sweat, it will be a day and all will be gone by surprise.

Even though i have no wings, i know i will fly higher one day,for my wings are growing gradually, i have to go on, after all who will pay me when i give up?
all this that strike me along my way will be no more soon, they have a deadline,

As i move i still have it in mind that the road to success is like that way, never smooth
I must tread over this narrow way, i must succeed against all odds, i will be there.
It will be a day of great joy as i tell my story about the storms i passed through,
I will tell how i lost my sweat but found a pool of cooling water, how i offered my little power but found a source of energy, i will remind all how its sweet to ‘still have it in mind’ that its the style of this way to success is like that, narrow and stormy!



1. Understand crisis and use it to solve a problem. Every business is a response to a problem.
2. Initiate something; do not wait for things to be done.
3. Identify and refine your talent, skill, idea, service or knowledge to create wealth.
4. Whatever makes you angry, you must solve it.
5. Poverty is not the lack of money, but the lack of ideas.
6. God does not give cash, but ideas on how to create wealth.
7. Be in control of your mind, thoughts, perception and mentality to respond to change.
8. Be keen and take advantage of changes brought about by technology and globalisation.
9. Leave your legacy, but in the people you train, not in products or buildings.
10.Every human being was born with a treasure. Your greatest secret to success lies in discovering your treasure