It’s hard to be understood

Many times your contentment plan will not be understood by some people around you . Your plan should touch you at an emotional level, it should touch your heart but it doesn’t need to touch outsiders at an emotional level as you.

One’s progressive plan should be powerful; speak to their emotions, and believe in it emphatically. When others see or read it they may feel that it is lame. They may not be moved by it. It might not even make sense to them, That’s cool, because you are “You” not “Them”. Most of them will judge you from temporally failures and mistakes , but stand strong. What matters most is how you feel about your Plan and believe in it to core.

It’s a “Yourself ” statement to the world about your beliefs and uniqueness and how you plan to stay true to them and impact others in an ethical manner. Many people will reject to believe it, most more people will disregard it, they think its impossible, but some will be drawn to it , focus on those. And that’s the clear definition of growth.

As one progresses , you will fall, make mistakes, hurt others unknowingly, correct yourself, reconcile with those you hurt and learn more lessons and take more challenges ahead to reach your destiny and not be understood. You don’t need to give up because people don’t understand your dreams and visions.

Before 1903, no one believed people can fly in the air, the Wright brothers (Men who made the first aeroplane) learnt from the birds and made a plan and no one believed them to make something to fly, they believed deep in their plan and vision and today aeroplanes and flying in the air is no-longer an exciting issue to anyone. They were mis-understood but they didn’t care, they believed in the validity of their contentment plan.
A boat captain and the sailors knows how to navigate through the waters till their destiny.
You are the captain of your boat, let no one measure less the greatness that lies within you.

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