So, what keeps one keep going?

Recently I had the opportunity to realize that i have done many things, overcome obstacles & difficulties and taken steps that I thought could never be possible for me. When I was young, I was so shy that I wouldn’t speak to anyone. When I did, I would usually end up shaking and almost panting, which would mortify me and I would retreat even more. , For example i used to write good letters to young girls in my adolescence time but i could not stand to talk to them even a single word, i used to prefer writing to speaking, but I didn’t want to give in to this because inside me i felt i could do anything and more perfectly. I liked making business and this could push me to speak because selling needed much of speech, my mother kept pushing me every morning to say hello to someone new and add two more words, i did this and gradually i found myself defying the fear to approach people which increased the strength of believing in myself to take more challenges.
I started approaching people to sell whichever i used to sell those days to raise school fees and i was through most of the times, I wanted to grow and be all that God & Mum wanted me to be despite the challenges that were surrounding me. It was very hard at first for me to initiate a conversation and introduce an item i would be selling but it became easier with time. Even now, there are times I get nervous and the words just don’t come quickly though am always told that’s natural but i always defy the silent in me and let the ideas in me come out. After all this i kept asking myself what made me overcome this and keep going ahead steps at a time when others were giving up who some of them are living hopeless lives?
Well, No one can underestimate the power of a positive mind and its role in our success! It’s of vital importance to keep our minds positive,dreaming big, hopeful and on the right track if we are to overcome difficulties and achieve balanced success in our career, finances,health, emotions, relationships and spiritual lives. The analogy I discovered here is like one of a radio station. For example, there may be a “Success” station ( just thinking).. But the only way you can hear a radio station is to be tuned into it. The same is true with our minds and success. If our minds and our thoughts get sidetracked, our success will get sidetracked. As our minds stay tuned in to “success or achieving a goal’ positively with belief and hope, our bodies will then strongly carry out our success by all means and we will begin to experience abundance! This demonstrated to me how far you can come with the help of self belief, focus, positive mindset,Action, perseverance, mentor-ship and God’s guidance.